Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Creative Counselling

written by Toksvig

One-on-one sessions with writer / maker Jenifer Toksvig, for makers of new musicals: writers, composers, indie producers, experienced or aspiring.

For clarity and development of career, process, project, story, character, song moment.

Especially useful in early development stages.

Central London, face to face.

More about The Copenhagen Interpretation: www.thecopenhageninterpretation.co.uk or @AnotherNibble 

More about Jen at www.acompletelossforwords.com 

Email writers(at)acompletelossforwords(dot)com for more info

Friday, 24 May 2013

London Gathering for Independent Producers

written by Toksvig

As part of a continuing mission to be less lonely and eat more cake, The Copenhagen Interpretation have decided it would be fun to have a gathering of…

Independent Producers of New Musicals!

(Which we’re hashtagging #IndieProds on our Twitter feed @AnotherNibble)

It's happening on

Sunday June 30th at 4pm (teatime)

at a lovely place in Covent Garden. It might go on for a few hours, I guess.

In order to come along, there are three things you must do:

  1. Be available and willing
  2. Email your name and, if you like, a very brief bit about you / your company. Which I will email out beforehand, to make introductions faster on the day. 
  3. Bring cake*
Get in touch for the rest of the info, and to be added to the list:

indieprods (at) acompletelossforwords.com

*Cake is optional. But recommended.